About the Journal
The International Journal of Systematic Innovation
Journal Statements
1. Title.
The International Journal of Systematic Innovation (IJoSI)
2. Publisher
The Society of Systematic Innovation
3. Purposes of the Journal
The aims of the journal are to publish high-quality scholarly papers with academic rigor in theoretical and practical studies in order to enhance human knowledge/skills in and promote beneficial applications of Systematic Innovation.
4. Brief outline of the proposed scope
"Systematic Innovation" is a set of knowledge/tools/methods which can enable systematic development of innovative problem solving, strategy setting, and/or identification of product/process/service innovation opportunities. The International Journal of Systematic Innovation (IJoSI) is a journal administered by the Society of systematic Innovation. IJoSI is a doubly blinded peer review, open access online journal with lag prints which publishes original research articles, reviews, and case studies in the field of Innovation Methods emphasizing on Systematic Innovation. This is the first and only international journal in the world dedicated to the field of Innovation Methods.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
I. Strategic & Business Aspects of Innovation Methods:
- Systematic identification of opportunities and issues in Business Model/ Product/ Process/ Service Innovation.)
- Systematic innovation Strategies, Methods, or Tools for Business Model/ Product/ Process/ Service improvements.
- Systematic identification or exploitation of Trends for Business or Technology innovation.
II. Technical Aspects of Innovation Methods:
- TRIZ-based systematic innovation:
- Research and Development of TRIZ-based theories and tools.
- TRIZ-based opportunity identification and problem-solving applications.
- Theories, applications, and techniques in TRIZ-based education/teaching.
- Non-TRIZ based systematic Innovation:
- Nature or bio-inspired methods/tools for Systematic Innovation.
- Theories, tools, or applications of systematic innovative opportunity identification or problem solving such as: Lateral Thinking, Vertical Thinking, 6 Thinking Hats, etc.
- Random Innovation Methods/Processes
- Theories/Knowledge/Tools which is integrated with or related to Systematic Innovation such as: IP/Patent Management or Techniques, Neural Linguistic Programming, Axiomatic Design, VA/VE, Lean, 6 Sigma, QFD, etc.
- TRIZ-based systematic innovation:
III. Integration of Innovation Methods with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Design/Manufacturing/Services, or Computer-Aided Innovation (CAI)
- Theories or applications of innovative methods in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Design/Manufacturing/Services.
- Intelligent or computational systems supporting innovation or creative reasoning
- Development of theories/methods/tools for Computer-aided Innovation.
- Knowledge Management, Text/Web Mining systems supporting innovation processes.
- Forecasting or Road mapping issues for CAI.
IV. Patent Technical Analyses and Management Strategies
- Theories and applications for patent technical analysis, including patent circumvention, regeneration, enhancements, deployments.
- Patent strategies and value analysis
V. Theories, methodologies, and applications of engineering design that are original and/or can be integrated with innovation methods.
- Education/Training aspects of engineering design integrated with innovation methods
- Theories and applications of design tools, related to or can be integrated with innovation methods.
5. Editorial Team:
Sheu, Dongliang Daniel (Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Executive Editor:
Deng, Jyhjeng (Professor, Da Yeh University, Taiwan)
Associate Edirors (in alphabetical order):
- Chen, Grant (Dean, South West Jiao Tong University, China)
- De Guio, Roland (Dean, INSA Strasbourg University, France)
- Feygenson, Oleg (TRIZ Master, Algorithm, Russia)
- Filmore, Paul (Professor, University of Plymouth, UK)
- Sawaguchi, Manabu (Professor, Waseda University, Japan)
- Souchkof, Valeri (TRIZ Master; Director, ICG Training & Consulting, Netherlands)
- Lee, Jay (Professor, University of Cincinnati, USA)
- Lu, Stephen (Professor, University of Southern California, USA)
- Mann, Darrell (Director, Ideal Final Result, Inc., UK)
- Song, Yong Won (Professor, Korea Polytechnic University)
- Tan, R.H. (Vice President & Professor, Hebei University of Technology, China)
- Yu, Oliver (President, The STARS Group, USA; Adjunct Professor, San Jose State University, USA)
- Cheng, Yolanda
- Wu, Tom
Editorial Board members: Including Editor-in-chief, Executive Editor, and Associate Editors.
6. The features of the Journal include:
- Covering broad topics within the field of Innovation Methods, including TRIZ(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), Non-TRIZ human-originated systematic innovation, and nature-inspired systematic innovation.
- All published papers are expected to meet academic rigor in its theoretical analysis or practical exercises. All papers are expected to have significant contributions in theories or practices of innovation methods.
- Fast response time is a goal for the Journal. The expected average response time for author's submission is within 3 months of last input to the Journal.
- The Journal features double-blind peer review process with fair procedures. Each paper will be reviewed by 2 to 4 referees who are in the related fields.
7. Submission Guidelines
Paper submission of full papers to IJoSI can be done electronically through the journal website: http://www.IJoSI.org or by e-mail to editor@systematic-innovation.org. The IJoSI strives to maintain an efficient electronic submission, review and publication process. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide. Hard copy journal will follow electronic publication in a couple months. For Journal format, please download templates from the web site.
8. Proposed frequency of publication, regular content etc.
Publish bi-annually, with minimum 4 papers per issue. The journal will publish papers in theoretical & empirical studies, case studies, and occasionally invited papers on specific topics with industry implications.
9. Editorial Office:
The International Journal of Systematic Innovation
6 F, # 352, Sec. 2, Guan-Fu Rd,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 30071
e-mail: editor@systematic-innovation.org IJoSI@systematic-innovation.org
web site: http://www.IJoSI.org