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  • Darrell Mann, NEPTUNE: The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective (Innovation) Project Managers, Issue 229, Apr. 2021. [Link]
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  • O. Abramov, S. Litvin, A. Medvedev, N. Tomashevskaya, TRIZ roadmap for Identifying Adjacent Markets, TRIZ Review: Journal of the International TRIZ Association. Vol 2, #1, April 2020, pp.8-21 [Link]
  • Mann, Darrell (2019), Measuring Innovation ROI #2: Small Picture, Systematic Innovation Ezine 213, Dec. 2019. [Link]
  • Mann, Darrell (2019), Measuring Innovation ROI #1: Big Picture, Systematic Innovation Ezine 209, Aug. 2019. [Link]
  • Sheu, D. Daniel, Jealousy Hong, and Chia Lin Ho (2017), New Product Identification and Design through Super-system Trimming, Computers & Industrial Engineering 111 (2017) 251–262, DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2017.07.008 [Link]
  • Sheu, D. Daniel and Sheng Chia Chiu. (2017). Prioritized Relevant Trend Identification for Problem Solving Based on Quantitative Measures, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 107 (2017) 327–344 ( (SCI/4.135) [Link]
  • I. Sigalovsky, O. Abramovb, S. Litvin, A. Smirnov, L. Mitnik-Gankin, S. Kogana, Using functional approach to increase effectiveness of open innovation in chemical engineering, Chemical engineering research and design 103 (2015) 84–89, [Link]
  • Sheu, D. D. and M. Hou (2012). TRIZ-based Systematic Device Trimming Method: Theory and Applications, the International Journal of Systematic Innovation, 2(1), 2-21. Xu04ru,10.6977/IJoSI.201203_2(1).0001 [Link]
  • Sheu, D. D. (2010). A Proposed Classification and Process of Systematic Innovation, International Journal of Systematic Innovation,1(1), 3-22. (SCOPUS) [Link]


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  • Sheu, D. Daniel and Chia Lin Ho (2016), 萃智超系統裁剪之創新產品整合法, International Journal of Systematic Innovation, 4(1), p. 35-49. 10.6977/IJoSI.201602_4(1).0003 [Link]
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